viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010


Your task is to design a clothing line or create a new clothing store.

1. shop for product. Click on EL CORTE INGLES.
drag your mouse over moda.
Choose the clothing you would like to shop for.
joven el-junior boys
Joven ella-junior girls

1. Find an article of clothing for ten categories from your fashion show guidelines
2. describe the article in detail and price (in dollars) you will need to convert euros to dollars.
example: camisa de manga corta, rosada, $100.
3. Paste the picture in your brochure.
4.Title your clothing line/ store.
5.create an advertisement on the front of your brochure.

6. E-mail me your final brochure.
7. Print a copy to lab 145. DO NOT print in color!!

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Preterite Review: Test Tuesday 25/5

Click here for preterite review

Spanish 3 Character bio

Copy and paste your character bio into a comment and post. Respond to two other character bio poems by Friday.

see the post from Friday May 7th for extra credit.
see the preterit post to review the preterit for the test next Tuesday.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Preterite and imperfect

Click to Practice the Preterite and imperfect

a. Superhombre
b. Superhombre in Chile
c. Ricitas de Oro

SPANISH 1B Monday May 17th

A. Follow this link
If your last name is A-K Copy your correct ODD answers and turn in.
If your last name is L-Z Copy your correct EVEN answers and turn in.

1. Complete the following quizzes:

Using infinitives
Stem-changing verbs
Estar, sentirse, Tener


Follow this link:
1. Click on Photo Tour. Watch and listen to the tour.
2. Click on Online lab book. view and read the photos.
3. Click on Geocultura - Argentina. Answer the questions on a sheet of paper and turn in.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Think about this for Monday!!!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

SPANISH 3 Friday May 7th

Choose five articles from any of the sections. Turn in
a. Title
b. 5 answers(blanks filled-in)
c. Main idea of article in English.

SPANISH 1B Friday May 7th Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

copy the PERSONAL GROOMING vocabulary in Spanish in your notes!!! open note quiz over these items Monday.